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Planning Board Minutes 05/08/06
Planning Board Minutes
May 8, 2006
Town Hall
Present:        William Meegan, Chair, Russell Walton, John Flender, Janet Weidner, and Mitch Posin Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.
Public: Bart Bussink, Jackie Mendez-Diez, Karen Cheshire.
Call to Order:
Mr. Meegan called the meeting to order at 4:30p.m.
Minutes etc.:
The minutes of April 24, 2006 were approved with amendments.
The Board reviewed the memo from the Mass. Federation of Planning and Appeals Boards.
The memo to the ZBA regarding Dexter Young's Guest House was reviewed.
Map 7 Lot 21 Sturges & Pearlson:
Mr. Bussink presented the previously approved plan with the changes as agreed to in the last meeting, including the change of the Youth Lot to a Homesite Housing Lot. Mr. Walton moved to forward the plan to the MVC for concurrence review. Mr. Flender seconded the motion. Motion approved by all.
Mr. Bussink presented a possible new Form C plan for the same parcel of land. This plan shows four lots and the Homesite Housing Lot, a shorter road and a no cut zone along the land bank property and no Guest Houses are allowed. Mr. Posin stated he is concerned with the increased expense for the Homesite Housing driveway as the road will be shorter. The Planning Board recommended showing all of the building envelopes on the plan, including a 100’frontage for the Homesite Lot, and for the site visit the Board requested the lot lines be staked out.
Vincent Form A Proposal continued:
Mr. Provost presented a photo of the road in existence since 1969. Mr. Provost stated this parcel before the board is the last of the three woodlots. Mr. Meegan stated concern about the previously recorded Case File 64 showing different lot lines. Mr. Provost stated he is currently working with the Vincent's and the Carroll's to settle the title of the Carroll's property. Mr. Provost stated this lot has always been two lots and Case File 64 was filed according to the deeds of the lots. Mr. Walton presented a tax map showing the parcel as one lot not two. Mr. Meegan referred to a memo from Ms. Bunker the Assistant Assessor saying the tax records stated the parcel has always been taxed as one parcel. Mr. Meegan stated since the line was drawn it could be construed as a subdivision of land. Mr. Provost stated the deeds refer to stone bounds that were found on the property and he presented a survey plan after determining where the lot lines are, not a subdivision. Mr. Provost stated he understood the Board was concerned about the road and that they requested proof of the existence of the road at the time of Zoning. Mr. Meegan read Mr. Bracken's opinion into the minutes stating this requires referral to the MVC since the property is land in continuous ownership. Mr. Provost disagreed. Mr. Provost offered to present a chain of title for each of the lots. Mr. Meegan requested an extension of time for Mr. Bracken to review the information at hand. Mr. Provost orally agreed to continue to the next meeting on May 22, 2006.
Blue Heron Properties Map 11 Lot 23.1, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4:
Mr. Provost presented a Form A for Blue Heron Properties. The Plan as presented creates no new lots and only readjusts the lot lines. Mr. Posin moved to approve the Plan as presented. Mr. Flender seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
The Aerie Road:
Ms. Mendez-Diez came before the Board as she lives on the Aerie road and  wishes to know if Mr. Bart Thorpe has rights to use the road. Ms. Mendez-Diez stated she gave Mr. Thorpe permission to move some posts on her section of the road and that was a while ago. She stated they have not been put back and the road is taking a beating from all of the trucks. After much discussion Ms. Mendez-Diez was advised to seek advice from a lawyer as to who owns the road.
Meeting adjourned.
These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.